Happy Thursday folks!
I've been pretty busy this week and I am thankful tomorrow it's Friday already: Weekend is only one day away! Hooray!
As my 32nd birthday draws nearer I collect new things I like and would love to get:
1) Satchel Bag - I've recently fell for these lovely bags! I would so want one for my birthday! I already showed dear hubby where to purchase the perfect satchel from and I hope he'll be so kind to give me one! I like it better in briwnish leather, but any colour will do!
2) A Beakfast in London - a cookbook by Amelia Wasiliev. I saw it at the local bookshop and it's so beautiful a book! It would be perfect on our shelves at home!
3) This Leather Flip Cover - for my Iphone 4s. Isn't it beautiful?!
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Thankful Sunday - vol.2
Hallo folks!
How has your week been?
Mine has been a sort of a rollecoaster. I got finally called from my office and I am starting tomorrow. That of course both makes me feel happy because we've been longing for a sort of a stable job for months. But it also freaks me out: because I know way too well what a tough job I will be doing starting tomorrow. Anyway, one of my resolutions for 2014 was to find a job and be happy with it, no matter what. And I will try my best to keep this one resolution going.
What I am thankful for this week, apart for the new job:
1) Making Homemade Bread - It was my first attempt ever and I can boast I did it so good that we ate a whole loaf of bread and a good half of the other loaf for dinner! We would stare at our homemade bread grow into the oven while cooking and it was a lovely first time experience. I want to make more of it in the future!
2) Receiving Mail at my new adresse - I know it may sound little to someone but to a penpaller like I am it's something to be very cheerful for! My very first mail at the new adresse was a bookcrossing book "The Daughter of Time" that I will soon be reading.
3) Finally finishing reading Earthly Joys - Even though I liked it ok, it was a bit too long and slow for me to fully enjoy it and to make of it one of my favourite books ever. I was craving the end of the novel and I was just too happy when I read the word end on Wednesday morning! There's a sequel to this novel, but I think I will take some time before looking for said volume. I have now plans to read Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, I've got the Italian translation of it.
4) Spending some time with my one and only - R. and I have had the chance to spend some quality time together. We indulged on dining out, cinema trips (we went to see Inside Llewyn Davis, that I really liked), and chilling out. R. wants me to be full of energy tomorrow when I start this new adventure at the social work office.
5) A spring-like weather - The weather has been very mild these past few days and it allowed me to take long walks both with my dog and alone. I love to walk in the nature, it never fails to relax me.
I wish you all a perfect happy new week! And never forget to look out for anything that you must be thankful for! Your days will look brighter then!
How has your week been?
Mine has been a sort of a rollecoaster. I got finally called from my office and I am starting tomorrow. That of course both makes me feel happy because we've been longing for a sort of a stable job for months. But it also freaks me out: because I know way too well what a tough job I will be doing starting tomorrow. Anyway, one of my resolutions for 2014 was to find a job and be happy with it, no matter what. And I will try my best to keep this one resolution going.
What I am thankful for this week, apart for the new job:
1) Making Homemade Bread - It was my first attempt ever and I can boast I did it so good that we ate a whole loaf of bread and a good half of the other loaf for dinner! We would stare at our homemade bread grow into the oven while cooking and it was a lovely first time experience. I want to make more of it in the future!
2) Receiving Mail at my new adresse - I know it may sound little to someone but to a penpaller like I am it's something to be very cheerful for! My very first mail at the new adresse was a bookcrossing book "The Daughter of Time" that I will soon be reading.
3) Finally finishing reading Earthly Joys - Even though I liked it ok, it was a bit too long and slow for me to fully enjoy it and to make of it one of my favourite books ever. I was craving the end of the novel and I was just too happy when I read the word end on Wednesday morning! There's a sequel to this novel, but I think I will take some time before looking for said volume. I have now plans to read Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, I've got the Italian translation of it.
4) Spending some time with my one and only - R. and I have had the chance to spend some quality time together. We indulged on dining out, cinema trips (we went to see Inside Llewyn Davis, that I really liked), and chilling out. R. wants me to be full of energy tomorrow when I start this new adventure at the social work office.
5) A spring-like weather - The weather has been very mild these past few days and it allowed me to take long walks both with my dog and alone. I love to walk in the nature, it never fails to relax me.
I wish you all a perfect happy new week! And never forget to look out for anything that you must be thankful for! Your days will look brighter then!
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Things I Love Thursday - vol. 2
Happy Thursday folks! How's your week been so far? Hope you're having a blast! As for me, this week I've been still playing the full-time housewife role. Mind you, I love staying home and taking care of the house and the hubby, still I am well aware we need my job also to keep our household efficiently running.
I still had plenty of spare time to think of three more things I love and want to share on my blog.
1) Neat Handwriting - I am a handwriting freak, really. I love, love, love to look at fellow penpallers handwriting. And the neater a handwriting is the more I love it. I keep my own handwriting the tidier I can and I am proud to receive any positive vibe on the care I put in writing. Now, my handwriting is far from being perfect, but I like to think it's readable for most people.
Truth be told, I've not born with such a tidy handwriting, and untill 13 I used to write in Italic style and it wasn't readable for foreign pals, not for everyone anyway. I decided I had to keep my writing clearer and neater for pals to read it: I deserted the Italic cursive and adopted a more readable font. I am now proud to show my handwriting.
2) Camper shoes - I am absolutely in love with Camper shoes. I own a magnificent pair of them and I can state with no doubt that their are the most comfy shoes I've worn in ages and they are beautiful also that is a plus on shoes. Aren't these shoes adorable?! Want them so much!!!
3) Listography.com - It is a favourite site of mine. I am one for lists of all kinds, starting from grocery lists, to what-to-fit-in-my-bag-before-leaving-for-the-holiday lists! I list down everything I like and I love to keep them lists as a memory. And Listography is the site I was waiting for! A site for listing down everything you want to think of, organizing everything in categories. Oh, I love it indeed!
I still had plenty of spare time to think of three more things I love and want to share on my blog.
1) Neat Handwriting - I am a handwriting freak, really. I love, love, love to look at fellow penpallers handwriting. And the neater a handwriting is the more I love it. I keep my own handwriting the tidier I can and I am proud to receive any positive vibe on the care I put in writing. Now, my handwriting is far from being perfect, but I like to think it's readable for most people.
Truth be told, I've not born with such a tidy handwriting, and untill 13 I used to write in Italic style and it wasn't readable for foreign pals, not for everyone anyway. I decided I had to keep my writing clearer and neater for pals to read it: I deserted the Italic cursive and adopted a more readable font. I am now proud to show my handwriting.
2) Camper shoes - I am absolutely in love with Camper shoes. I own a magnificent pair of them and I can state with no doubt that their are the most comfy shoes I've worn in ages and they are beautiful also that is a plus on shoes. Aren't these shoes adorable?! Want them so much!!!
3) Listography.com - It is a favourite site of mine. I am one for lists of all kinds, starting from grocery lists, to what-to-fit-in-my-bag-before-leaving-for-the-holiday lists! I list down everything I like and I love to keep them lists as a memory. And Listography is the site I was waiting for! A site for listing down everything you want to think of, organizing everything in categories. Oh, I love it indeed!
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Thankful Sunday - vol. 1
I've always been a girl with a Pollyanna-ish attitude to life. No matter what happens I try to look at the bright side of it and smile to life. I keep telling myself I am a lucky one, and that I should be thankful for everything I have and achieve in my life.
I have a lovely husband, who spoils me rotten and who looks at me with adoring eyes. I have a big loving family: my parents, my sister, her fiancè, my in laws and the extended family I gained with marriage. They are caring and affectionate and I feel part of a big loving family. And then there are friends, even though our everyday lives keep us apart we're still there for eachother when we most need it. And penpals, they are my best friends, they are them people I can always rely on.
I think I should really start a weekly feature to give thanks for everything that I receive everyday of my life, from the people who sorround me, to the smallest things that still don't fail to make me feel happy and thankful for my life.
This week I am thankful for:
- celebrating our 4 months together as wife and husband. We've spent the most amazing months of our life and we are excited for the many more that will come! We celebrated by eating out at a fast food restaurant at lunch-time and we invited over for dinner hubby's uncle and aunt and offered them a homemade america club house sandwich. We had such a nice time together!
- a shy sun playing peek-a-boo with clouds. After days of torrential rain it was nice to finally see some sun, even if for a few hours only. After all we can't really complain too much: we're still in February and rain rules the roost of weather!
- catching up on my snail mail pile. I've never felt that good in ages! Having finally caught up on my mails makes me feel strong and ready for more mails to write. I am in a perfect penpalling mood and crave for new letters now! So people, what are you waiting for: do write me!
- my growing number of followers on Bloglovin. Having new followers does make me feel appreciated! It must mean some people have a genuine interest in what I blog about. And it doesn't fail to make my self-esteem grow!!! Thank you everyone who follows me, thank you really!
I promise I will start making photos of what I am thankful for so that it'll soon become a photo entry from next week onward!
Ready for a new week to start?! So watch out for any good things that happens in your life! And be thankful for everything that you get, even the smallest thing! Your life will be brighter than ever before!
I have a lovely husband, who spoils me rotten and who looks at me with adoring eyes. I have a big loving family: my parents, my sister, her fiancè, my in laws and the extended family I gained with marriage. They are caring and affectionate and I feel part of a big loving family. And then there are friends, even though our everyday lives keep us apart we're still there for eachother when we most need it. And penpals, they are my best friends, they are them people I can always rely on.
I think I should really start a weekly feature to give thanks for everything that I receive everyday of my life, from the people who sorround me, to the smallest things that still don't fail to make me feel happy and thankful for my life.
This week I am thankful for:
- celebrating our 4 months together as wife and husband. We've spent the most amazing months of our life and we are excited for the many more that will come! We celebrated by eating out at a fast food restaurant at lunch-time and we invited over for dinner hubby's uncle and aunt and offered them a homemade america club house sandwich. We had such a nice time together!
- a shy sun playing peek-a-boo with clouds. After days of torrential rain it was nice to finally see some sun, even if for a few hours only. After all we can't really complain too much: we're still in February and rain rules the roost of weather!
- catching up on my snail mail pile. I've never felt that good in ages! Having finally caught up on my mails makes me feel strong and ready for more mails to write. I am in a perfect penpalling mood and crave for new letters now! So people, what are you waiting for: do write me!
- my growing number of followers on Bloglovin. Having new followers does make me feel appreciated! It must mean some people have a genuine interest in what I blog about. And it doesn't fail to make my self-esteem grow!!! Thank you everyone who follows me, thank you really!
I promise I will start making photos of what I am thankful for so that it'll soon become a photo entry from next week onward!
Ready for a new week to start?! So watch out for any good things that happens in your life! And be thankful for everything that you get, even the smallest thing! Your life will be brighter than ever before!
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Things I Love Thursday - vol. 1
Today I write my first post of a new feature on my blog. Things I love Thursday is a popular feature on many of the blogs I follow and I like this feature a lot. I had never considered starting one myself, untill I read that starting a regular feature is good if you want to increase the number of your followers and want your blog to gain more popularity.
Now, I admitt my blog is far from being popular, with only 27 followers on bloglovin (and I want to say special thank to every one of them 27 people who take their time reading my pages!), but getting always new people who click the blue button and start following me does make me so happy and satisfied of what I am creating on this space.
So, I try my luck with Things I Love Thursday and hope I will be able to keep it regular and interesting for my followers to read!
1) French Manicure - I so much love french manicure. I'm not much of a girlie girl, I am not one for make up and pretty dresses. But nails do fashinate me. I wear nail polish regularly, because my nails are not that strong and doing housework does make them even weaker. Nail polish protects them and prevents them from too much flacking. I love all colours of nail polish, the brighter the better! But french manicure is my biggest passion. I learnt to make my own french manicure and I am pretty satisfied with my results (that I proudly want to show on the second photo following this point), but I gave myself a professional french manicure for my wedding. And my! I couldn't stop staring at my nails once the beautician was finished with working on my hands (unluckily our photographer wasn't as keen on my manicure and I haven't got a good enough shot of my french manicure)!
2) Waking up early in the morning - Yes, I love to wake up early in the mornings. I am an early bird, even at weekends. I wake up around 7 am when I am off work and love to indulge in reading while having my favourite breakfast (lactose-free cappuccino and cereals). I love early mornings, when I am the only person awake at home. I've always loved that me-time at home and I don't mind sleeping less if that grants me that luxury!
3) New York Bagels - Oh, I first tasted them in New York in October last year and that was love at first bite! Of course due to my lactose intolerance I couldn't indulge in the many creamy variety of bagel fillings they offered, but I was more than happy with my salami bagel to start a new day with!
Now, I admitt my blog is far from being popular, with only 27 followers on bloglovin (and I want to say special thank to every one of them 27 people who take their time reading my pages!), but getting always new people who click the blue button and start following me does make me so happy and satisfied of what I am creating on this space.
So, I try my luck with Things I Love Thursday and hope I will be able to keep it regular and interesting for my followers to read!
1) French Manicure - I so much love french manicure. I'm not much of a girlie girl, I am not one for make up and pretty dresses. But nails do fashinate me. I wear nail polish regularly, because my nails are not that strong and doing housework does make them even weaker. Nail polish protects them and prevents them from too much flacking. I love all colours of nail polish, the brighter the better! But french manicure is my biggest passion. I learnt to make my own french manicure and I am pretty satisfied with my results (that I proudly want to show on the second photo following this point), but I gave myself a professional french manicure for my wedding. And my! I couldn't stop staring at my nails once the beautician was finished with working on my hands (unluckily our photographer wasn't as keen on my manicure and I haven't got a good enough shot of my french manicure)!
2) Waking up early in the morning - Yes, I love to wake up early in the mornings. I am an early bird, even at weekends. I wake up around 7 am when I am off work and love to indulge in reading while having my favourite breakfast (lactose-free cappuccino and cereals). I love early mornings, when I am the only person awake at home. I've always loved that me-time at home and I don't mind sleeping less if that grants me that luxury!
3) New York Bagels - Oh, I first tasted them in New York in October last year and that was love at first bite! Of course due to my lactose intolerance I couldn't indulge in the many creamy variety of bagel fillings they offered, but I was more than happy with my salami bagel to start a new day with!
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photo via urbanspoon.com |
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Mailing out this week.
One of my new year resolutions was to be regular with my letters, because in the past year I'd been the worst of penpals and neglected my lovely pallies a bit too much.

So far I seem to be able to keep track of my replies. I am actually left with no mails to reply at the moment and I can say I feel terribly proud of myself!
Today I sent my first mail to Mel, my old/new friend living in Canada. We've been on eachother friends' list on livejournal for quite a while and only recently we decided to start writing letters to eachother.
I hope she won't be too disappointed with my first letter: I am never good with intro mails. Definitely, they are my worst mails to write!
I am now waiting for more mails to be delivered to my new home! Penpalling world: how I missed it!

Saturday, 8 February 2014
Goal of the month: read 40 pages a day.
A few days ago, hubby and I finally went to Ikea and bought two more shelves for our many books. We built them up on Saturday morning and I spent the following Monday diligently re-organizing each one of them shelves.
I decided to put our books up on a descending order, starting from the tallest and thickest and descending to the shorter and thinner volumes. If you now take a look at our shelves you will see a feast of colours and I can't but feeling joy when staring at our small treasure neatly sitting on our black and white bookshelves.
On Monday I also took my time (I am waiting for a call from a new job and I am currently unemployed, so I've plenty of time on my hands) to check my books and to update my (too long) to be read list.
I found out I am with a list of 51 books to be read (two of them books are library books I need to hand back at the end of the month)! How comes I collected so many books and haven't read them yet?! This means I can't possibly buy new books for a while, not untill I've read at least a good half off that long list... And for me who's a compulsive book buyer it's a saddening thought indeed!
I need a plan, I must speed my reading pace. And I recently found out an interesting piece of writing by Julien Smith who gives his advices on how to read a book a week. Now, that was interesting indeed. Allegedly Julien says that if you bring yourself to read 40 pages a day you'll soon be reading a number of books as big as one book a week! Finally someone who gives me an advice to thin out my long list and that will allow me to soon (let's say in a couple months, day more day less) buy new books! Go Julien!
My plan is now to set a goal of 40 pages a day, as Julien teaches, to be read early in the morning or anyway during the day as soon as I've got a spare moment to fit a couple more pages in. That should work for me as well. Smith says that he never fell behind or stopped and that gives me hope. I agree with the article, reading 40 pages a day has to become a routine, and to make it become a routine it mustn't be left for the end of the day, when a person is too tired after a long day of work and other tasks. I will do my best to wake up a little earlier and read while I am having breakfast (that's anyway my idea of a perfect start to the day), then will read the rest of my 40 pages a day (and possibly some more on good days) at lunch time, when I sit down and try to relax before going back to running this or that errand. That should work. That must work. I want it to work, and I will do my best to succeed in the reading a book a week challenge.
What I loved of Julien Smith's article is that he allows people to put aside the odd book that doesn't manage to hook its readers to the plot. If something sucks (or feels tough), it's ok give up on it - for now. Thank you Julien, I now feel less guilty for having put away "Forever" by Hamill after struggling on it for what was like a fortnight. I will take it back eventually, when I feel I am stronger and when my reading pace has improved so much to be ahead of schedule.
I start from today. I am now sitting down, with my "Earthly Joys" book and will read my 40 pages of today. I am optimistic it will work with me allright. I will soon be back to my bookworm days. When I was a school girl I would read that much and maybe even more than that. But now that I've grown up I sort of lost my good old habit and miss it. I will focus on my goal. First read that 40 pages a day, then I can dedicate myself to other hobbies as well. I will make it! Oh, I will! And be sure I will keep an update of my results.
So here I start: my to-be-read list of books (some of them are in italian and some are in english)
I decided to put our books up on a descending order, starting from the tallest and thickest and descending to the shorter and thinner volumes. If you now take a look at our shelves you will see a feast of colours and I can't but feeling joy when staring at our small treasure neatly sitting on our black and white bookshelves.
On Monday I also took my time (I am waiting for a call from a new job and I am currently unemployed, so I've plenty of time on my hands) to check my books and to update my (too long) to be read list.
I found out I am with a list of 51 books to be read (two of them books are library books I need to hand back at the end of the month)! How comes I collected so many books and haven't read them yet?! This means I can't possibly buy new books for a while, not untill I've read at least a good half off that long list... And for me who's a compulsive book buyer it's a saddening thought indeed!
I need a plan, I must speed my reading pace. And I recently found out an interesting piece of writing by Julien Smith who gives his advices on how to read a book a week. Now, that was interesting indeed. Allegedly Julien says that if you bring yourself to read 40 pages a day you'll soon be reading a number of books as big as one book a week! Finally someone who gives me an advice to thin out my long list and that will allow me to soon (let's say in a couple months, day more day less) buy new books! Go Julien!
My plan is now to set a goal of 40 pages a day, as Julien teaches, to be read early in the morning or anyway during the day as soon as I've got a spare moment to fit a couple more pages in. That should work for me as well. Smith says that he never fell behind or stopped and that gives me hope. I agree with the article, reading 40 pages a day has to become a routine, and to make it become a routine it mustn't be left for the end of the day, when a person is too tired after a long day of work and other tasks. I will do my best to wake up a little earlier and read while I am having breakfast (that's anyway my idea of a perfect start to the day), then will read the rest of my 40 pages a day (and possibly some more on good days) at lunch time, when I sit down and try to relax before going back to running this or that errand. That should work. That must work. I want it to work, and I will do my best to succeed in the reading a book a week challenge.
What I loved of Julien Smith's article is that he allows people to put aside the odd book that doesn't manage to hook its readers to the plot. If something sucks (or feels tough), it's ok give up on it - for now. Thank you Julien, I now feel less guilty for having put away "Forever" by Hamill after struggling on it for what was like a fortnight. I will take it back eventually, when I feel I am stronger and when my reading pace has improved so much to be ahead of schedule.
I start from today. I am now sitting down, with my "Earthly Joys" book and will read my 40 pages of today. I am optimistic it will work with me allright. I will soon be back to my bookworm days. When I was a school girl I would read that much and maybe even more than that. But now that I've grown up I sort of lost my good old habit and miss it. I will focus on my goal. First read that 40 pages a day, then I can dedicate myself to other hobbies as well. I will make it! Oh, I will! And be sure I will keep an update of my results.
So here I start: my to-be-read list of books (some of them are in italian and some are in english)
- The Mill on the Floss- Elliot
- Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe - Flagg
- The Kite Runner - Hosseini
- Crime and Punishment - Dostoevskij
- Narnia Chronicles - Lewis
- The Twins - De Loo
- ShakespeareWrote for Money - Hornby
- Forever - Hamill
- Be Faithful Unto Death - Moricz
- Charity Girl - Lowenthal
- The Swiss Family Robinson - Wyss
- Baking Cakes in Kingali - Parkin
- Wives and Daighters - Gaskell
- Daniel Deronda - Eliot
- The Confessions of Catherine Howard - Dunn
- Shadows of the workhouse - Worth
- Pearl of China - Min
- The Silver Lining Play Book - Quick
- The Fault in Our Stars - Green
- Dombey and Sons - Dickens
- Martin Chuzzlewith - Dickens
- Villette - Bronte
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Bronte
- The Lake Glass - Binchy
- Wicked - Maguire
- Forget Me Not - Wolff
- Falling Angels - Chevalier
- A cuppa tea and an aspirin - Forrester
- Miss Purdy's Class - Murray
- Tess of D'Uberville - Hardy
- All that I am - Funder
- Mary Barton - Gaskell
- Ireland a novel - Delaney
- Thanksgiving Nights - Bausch
- The Emperor's Children -
- The House in Clewe Street - Lavin
- The Historian - Kostova
- The Last Runaway - Chevalier
- Les Veus del Pamano - Carrè
- Shirley - Bronte
- Middlemarch - Elliot
- Winter's Tale - Helprin
- The Pickwick Papers - Dickens
- War and peace - Tolstoj
- Vanity Fair- Tackerary
- Earthly Joys - Gregory
- Howards End - Forster
- The Wise Woman - Gregory
- Meridon - Gregory
- The Favoured Child - Gregory
- Anna Karenina - Tolstoj
Great! I am off reading: happy weekend folks!
What's your reading pace? How many books do you read in one year? Have you got any reading advice you want to share?
What's your reading pace? How many books do you read in one year? Have you got any reading advice you want to share?
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Happy Birthday Facebook
It's beyond doubt the most popular of social networks available on the wire and today it turns 10.
I joined Facebook on November 2007 when it wasn't as popular in Italy yet. Actually I mainly had contact with my (many back at that time) penpals spread all over the world. Soon after that a few aquaitances signed up to Facebook too and what had begun as a big love turned to a love/hate relationship for me.
Now, I am moderately social and, while I love to share my personal life with close friends who live abroad, I can't accept the idea of sharing the same news with people who live nearby but who don't really care about me. This is problem number one with Facebook: your community soon grows too wide and you are soon busy changing your posts and photos setting. As for me, I have got most people on my f-list neatly organized into various groups and each group is part of a definite setting. Most people who live here and still are not so close to exchange with me more than a couple words when accidentally meeting in town, but are close enough to ask for my friendship on facebook, are of course grouped as Aquaitances and most of my posts are hidden from said group.
Anyway, in the 7 years I've spent on Facebook my love for the social network has started to fade, slowly but relentlessly, to the point that now I only check it for my closest friends'feeds but hardly post anything on there. I am one for new instant loves when it comes to the net and I am presently engaged with Instagram. It's fun and creative, far better than Facebook if you ask me. But then I may be biased.
But let's go back to the birthday boy: Facebook. I think it is a great mean of communication, especially if you need to keep touch with someone you're close to but living far from where you live. It's interesting to see what other people share. And sometimes there're funny videos or photos going around.
Today Facebook is giving a special gift to its thousands users all over the world: your life in a movie. I see many of my contacts sharing their own life movie. I will abstain from doing one of my life. No thanks, it's something I don't like to share.
I was checking my own facebook page earlier today and I was surprised to see that there's pretty much all that anyone needs to know about me: not only I gave information about my profession, but Facebook also knows where I live, when I am born, who my relatives are, what I like and dislike. And it even keeps track of my agenda!
Facebook really forces sociality out of you, even if you are the antisocial that I am! It won't come as a surprise if in some years time more and more users will start to give it up and regain their life back.
What use do you make of Facebook?
Saturday, 1 February 2014
January Top Five
Happy February folks!
The first month of the new year has really flown by and I still can't believe we're already done with it!
Where am I at keeping my resolutions for 2014?!
Well, I have tried to eat ealthy all along the month of January, even though we had a couple meeting with family and friends where we ate some not too ealthy food and I am struggling with an aching mouth (aw, stupid lactose intolerance) that I hope to cure with a few days of strictly healthy eating.
As for keeping fit and going to the pool once a week, I sort of did that. I skipped the last week because of women's problems, but I think I can be justified for that. I plan on going twice this first week of February so as to make up for the wasted week. Now that it's cold it's a big deal to motivate myself to go to the pool, but once I am there I can only enjoy the benefits of said physical activity.
I am very satisfied with my blogging activity, so far I've blogged once a week and probably even more. I love blogging every time more and I hope I will soon increase my blog entries to a couple a week at least! Blogging is an addictive hobby and I guess I will need to stick to my resolution of posting once a week to soon be totally dependent on blogging.
Mail-wise I am not as good at keeping resolutions. I am still behind the month with replying to Eva's last mail, but I should really hurry up with that one. I've already kept it laying around 3 weeks and within this week I absolutely need to have it done and sent to still be sticking to the resolution. And I want to stick to it. I owe it to my pallies. So, let's hope I'll work it out.
Our home is tidy and warm, yes. I think this is the resolution I am doing best at so far. I love to keep this home tidy and I am still working at organizing every corner of it. We're now working on our bookshelves, re-organizing them by author and edition, so that it looks all clean and ordered according to the book binding.
Read 25 books. So far I read "The Perks of being a wallflower" that didn't thrilled me as I'd hoped, "The mouse with the green tail", that is a small children book, a book on Hayao Miyazaki that I needed for my exam in Cinema for children, and I am now reading "Earthly Joys" by Philippa Gregory. I love Gregory's prose and I like this one ok so far. I only wish I had more spare time to read so as to soon be hooked on the plot of this historical novel.
Find a job and stick to it. Well I can proudly announce that I won my social work position back by ranking first in the social work selection in mid January. I am still waiting for them to tell me when I am starting but I am definitely sticking to that job. I can't believe I really found a job and I am grateful for that chance!
So far I am doing fairly good with the resolution! I just hope I will still be doing as good in a few months time. But I guess it's all a matter of will.
The month of January has been pretty long, yet went by as fast. I did a lot, engaging myself in many tiring activities that mostly involved studying and working hard on school activities.
If I have to sum up the month in five pictures I would choose the following five:
The first month of the new year has really flown by and I still can't believe we're already done with it!
Where am I at keeping my resolutions for 2014?!
Well, I have tried to eat ealthy all along the month of January, even though we had a couple meeting with family and friends where we ate some not too ealthy food and I am struggling with an aching mouth (aw, stupid lactose intolerance) that I hope to cure with a few days of strictly healthy eating.
As for keeping fit and going to the pool once a week, I sort of did that. I skipped the last week because of women's problems, but I think I can be justified for that. I plan on going twice this first week of February so as to make up for the wasted week. Now that it's cold it's a big deal to motivate myself to go to the pool, but once I am there I can only enjoy the benefits of said physical activity.
I am very satisfied with my blogging activity, so far I've blogged once a week and probably even more. I love blogging every time more and I hope I will soon increase my blog entries to a couple a week at least! Blogging is an addictive hobby and I guess I will need to stick to my resolution of posting once a week to soon be totally dependent on blogging.
Mail-wise I am not as good at keeping resolutions. I am still behind the month with replying to Eva's last mail, but I should really hurry up with that one. I've already kept it laying around 3 weeks and within this week I absolutely need to have it done and sent to still be sticking to the resolution. And I want to stick to it. I owe it to my pallies. So, let's hope I'll work it out.
Our home is tidy and warm, yes. I think this is the resolution I am doing best at so far. I love to keep this home tidy and I am still working at organizing every corner of it. We're now working on our bookshelves, re-organizing them by author and edition, so that it looks all clean and ordered according to the book binding.
Read 25 books. So far I read "The Perks of being a wallflower" that didn't thrilled me as I'd hoped, "The mouse with the green tail", that is a small children book, a book on Hayao Miyazaki that I needed for my exam in Cinema for children, and I am now reading "Earthly Joys" by Philippa Gregory. I love Gregory's prose and I like this one ok so far. I only wish I had more spare time to read so as to soon be hooked on the plot of this historical novel.
Find a job and stick to it. Well I can proudly announce that I won my social work position back by ranking first in the social work selection in mid January. I am still waiting for them to tell me when I am starting but I am definitely sticking to that job. I can't believe I really found a job and I am grateful for that chance!
So far I am doing fairly good with the resolution! I just hope I will still be doing as good in a few months time. But I guess it's all a matter of will.
The month of January has been pretty long, yet went by as fast. I did a lot, engaging myself in many tiring activities that mostly involved studying and working hard on school activities.
If I have to sum up the month in five pictures I would choose the following five:
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