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Saturday, 3 May 2014

A Mrs' Mailbox - Vol 1

I've not been much around lately. Job and family've kept me pretty busy and I had to postpone my hobbies, to my big disappointment. But I am making the most of the long weekend and I will use my time off by starting a new feature on the blog! I'm calling it "A Mrs Mailbox" and, as you can easily guess, it'll talk about my snailmail adventures.

In the years my penpalling habit has changed a lot. I would write to tens of people and would have penpals spread all over the world in my teens. I am now a grown-up, with very little time in my hands and I am focusing on the few close penfriends I already have. To each one of them I write long, thoughtful letters. I put myself in my mails and love to share my life ups and downs with my faraway friends. 
Of course it's not very often that I receive letters at home. With 5 penfriends only I am lucky when I receive a letter per week. But I won't complain because them letters make my days brighter and keep me going untill I reach the next one! 

This week I managed to send out a letter to my friend Melyssa in Canada. I'd been trying to write to her for a few days in a row, but everytime I sat down to write I was way too tired and couldn't manage to write anything decent. Finally I could relax during the first of the four days long weekend and managed to finally write a whole letter in one sit! (another habit that had to change in my letter-writing is that I hardly write a letter in one single sit, but ofter need more than one to finish a proper mail) 

I received a letter this week from my dear friend in Hungary. She made a stationery of the sewing copybook I gave her for herbirthday earlier in February and I must say it looks so nice!

 I am off now... Starting a letter for my American friend! I am in the right penpalling mood! YAY!


  1. This is so lovely, I've always wanted to have a consistent penpal, but in this modern day of technology it is all to easy to send a quick text or email! It's such a great idea though and I may have to find someone to do it with again :)
    Daniela | danielascribbles xo

  2. Hi Marta! It's your pen pal, Amy. I am currently writing your letter over this weekend, and should have it mailed to you in a day or two! :)

  3. Oh Amy! I am so looking forward to reading from you again! :)


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