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Wednesday 15 January 2014


Mary from Uncostumary Art  is having a link-up on her blog. She holds one every month and decided to start the new year with a link-up on kindness.

Being kind is something I've always aspired to. I have a strong admiration for everyone who's known as capable of act of kindness. And I value kindness as a virtue, especially if it's tightly followed by a good dose of intellect.

You can be kind to people, starting from those who live by your side and developing that kindness to the outer world, in many different ways.

In our society, always in a rush and incapable of being patient with those who proceed at a slower pace, being kind to someone mainly means respecting their time and their attitudes.

I am a social worker by profession and to me being kind is something that I try to achieve everyday, with all the people I get to meet.
Being kind means repeating the same piece of advice for the umptenth time to that person who's sitting in front of you, vomiting a numerous amount of social problems on your face.
Being kind also means producing those documents some people need, even though they were supposed to get them themselves.
Being kind means smiling to people coming in, even though you have a thumping head and you look forward to going home to your family.

I also am a university student and study to become a kindergarten teacher. There at school with young kids kindness is the rule. A teacher can achieve the best from her student when being kind to them.
And at kindergarten being kind means not yelling at your pupils, even if they're doing that very thing you'd previously warned them not to.
Being kind means blowing noses and lacing up shoes many and many times in a day and never getting tired of it.
Being kind means singing to your pupils and telling them stories, even (and mostly) when they're being so naughty you can hardly keep them at their desks.

Last but not least, I am a wife and a daughter and being kind is a quality I want to improve in my everyday life with my loved ones.
Being kind means always smiling to your husband when he comes home after a tiring day of hard work.
Being kind means being there for your spouse when he needs you the most, be it for talking or even for sitting together in silence and unwind.
Being kind means cooking your loved ones' favourite meal for their birthday or for a special occasion, or even for an ordinary day, so as to make it extraordinary.
Being kind means making your house warm and tidy and a real home for those who live with you.
Being kind means running errands for your loved ones when they are tired and need someone to free them of some duties.
Being kind means never going to bed with a heavy heart and always being in peace with those you love.

Being kind it's easy if you live according to your heart. And it would be easy if we kept this teaching in mind: "Do to others as you would have them do to you" Luca 6:31
Unluckily we often forget how to...

Thank you Mary for having brought up this topic for everyone to reflect on it!


  1. 1. Thank you for the comment on my latest post! It sounds like you're in need of a TBR jar too ;)

    2. This is such a lovely post idea!

    1. 1. Yes, I think I really need a TBR jar! :)

      2. This is a lovely post idea indeed! Mary had a lovely idea!


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