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Sunday 8 December 2013

'Tis the Season

With Christmas approaching having a home all of our own feels even more exciting than what it already is.
R. and I did our Christmas decoration shopping, looking for bargains and quality items at the same time wasn't easy task. Eventually we came up with some good stuff and still managed to keep our expense on a low level.

On Saturday we set up the Christmas tree. We have a fake (I come from a long tradition of fake-still-looking-like-real Christmas trees and I couldn't buy a real tree this year) 180cm tall tree that is hopefully lasting for many years to come. And decorations we bought are in gold, silver and red. Still I had to borrow some more decorations from my parents. They have many and won't miss a few of them. It took us a good couple of hours to set up the tree to a satisfying enough result, but it was worth it! We now have a lovely tree that warms our home with its lights and decorations.

We also set a nativity standing on a side of our tree. We were given a Thun nativity set for our wedding and we decided to go with this one for our first Christmas. It's not the typical nativity set I am used to, yet the final result isn't as bad. Actually we enriched it with some fake wood and pallet and some sheeps and it now looks nice.

I of course took a picture of our Christmas corner and want to share it here.


I am trying my best to make this home look festive, warm and comfy and so far I am pretty satisfied with the result. It's not too bad for a new home, judging from our breakfast table today, is it?!

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